My ePortfolio

Learning and Living-The Groundwork of Instructional Design and Technology
My goals for foundation
One important part of understanding Instructional Design and Technology is its history and definition. In order to enhance our learning in the discipline, I need to understand IDT historical trends and its current uses in the educational field.
Instructional Design and Technology Definition
"The field of instructional design and technology (also known as instructional technology) encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design, development, implementation, evaluation and management of instructional and non-instructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of settings, particularly educational institutions and the workplace. Professionals in the field instructional design and technology often use systematic instructional design procedures and employ instructional media to accomplish their goals. Moreover, in recent years, they have paid increasing attention to non-instructional solutions to some performance problems. Research and theory related to each of the aforementioned areas is also an important part of the field” (Reiser, 2018).
My IDT Definition
Instructional design and technology merges the characteristics and elements of instructional technology and instructional design. Instructional design includes the study and practice of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Instructional technology brings to the table the aspects of software, media, computers, etc. Instructional technology facilitates the process of learning and training. Combining both elements generates and initiates the best way to improve performance and training.
History of Instructional Technology

-1900s: Schools museums were established and were using media for instructional purposes. The media that were being implemented were slides, films, photographs, etc. (Visual instructions movement)
-1910s: Around the 1913s, instructional film began to be used in the classroom. Rochester, New York, were the first use instructional films in the classroom.
-1920s to 1930s: “With the advent of media incorporating sound, the visual instruction movement became known as the audiovisual instruction movement” (Reiser, 2018).
-1940s: Recordings and motion pictures with sounds had great impact to the evolvement of instructional technology.
-1940s: World War II- As WW2 advanced instructional technology was also advancing, the military began to implement instructional technology in order to train and prepare the soldier for war. One tool that was used throughout World War 2 was audiovisual devices. These devices allowed access to films and filmstrips to all military personal. Also, using the same methods of creating effective training videos, the government established the Division of Visual Aids for War Training to prepare individuals to work in the industry. These videos were also short and effective and reduced training time.
-1950s: Television became a way of delivering instructions. “One factor that spurred the growth of instructional television was the 1952 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes” (Reiser, 2018)
-1950s to 1970s: Computer-assisted instructions were being developed and put into operation, but had a little impact in the education field.
-1980s to 1990s: Computers were available to the public. These personal computers were smaller and easier to use for the people. Around the year of 1983, computers came to be used for instructional purposes.
-2000s: The internet gave the opportunity for online instructions. Smartphones, tablets, etc. were also used to deliver instructions.
Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2018). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. Pearson.
IDT Scholars and their contribution

-B.F. Skinner contribute to the field the outline for formative evaluations. Skinner described the process, “for developing programmed instruction exemplified an empirical approach to solving educational problems: Data regarding the effectiveness of the materials were collected, instructional weaknesses were identified, and the materials were revised accordingly” (Reiser 2014). Today, the models we use for instructional designs requires the ID personal to evaluate their design.
-Robert Mager created a book that enabled many educators the ability to write proper learning objectives. The book that he wrote is Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction. In the book he described the important to define the learning intention, the process, and the success criteria.
-Ralph Tyler. He was known has the father of the “behavioral objectives movement” (Reiser 14). He stated, “Each objective must be defined in terms which clarify the kind of behavior which the course should help to develop” (Reiser 14). Ralph contributed to the IDT field the element of the use of clearly stated objectives. The objectives established the desired learning outcome and desired behavior. It gave an outline of the training and the criteria of evaluations. Ralph has created the foundation that many other contributors used to enhance the process of writing objectives. Through Ralph contributions and movement, Robert Mager wrote a book outlining the process of creating a clear objective that shapes the learning process.
- Robert Glaser. According to Reiser, “Robert Glaser was the first to use the term criterion-referenced measures” (Reiser 14). Robert Glaser brought forth the process of assessing the target audiences at the beginning of the training and then assessing at the end. He explained that this is great way to measure if the training had any impact on the target audiences. The use of criterion-reference test is an important element and fundamental principal of instructional design practice and method. The process lets the teacher or designer the opportunity to monitor the efficiency and usefulness of the training and make improvements or adjust the training to help improve the target audience needs.
--Benjamin Bloom contributed to the ID the Bloom’s of Taxonomy. The Blooms of Taxonomy is defined by 6 classifications: remember, understand, application, analysis, evaluate0, and create. According Bloom, “within the cognitive domain there were various types of learning outcomes, that objectives could be classified according to the type of leaner behavior described therein, and that there was a hierarchical relationship[ among the various types of outcomes” (Reiser, 2018).
- Robert Gagne. He explained the fives domains or types of learning. According to Reiser, “Gagné described five domains, or types, of learning outcomes—verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies—each of which required a different set of conditions to promote learning” (Reiser 14). He also explained the nine events of instruction. His work focused on how people learn, the process of retaining, and process of transferring information. His groundwork concentrates on the different types of learners and their learning instructions and outcomes.

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Learning Theories
Behaviorism is the study of human behavior. Theorists believed that all behavior is learned, can be unlearned, and that new behaviors, i.e., learnings, can substituted in the place of old behaviors. Theorists believed that "rewards and consequences" were able to shape an individual’s behavior (and individual behaviors,) thus learning. Important early theorists were Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner.
Cognitivism is the study of how human process information. Atkinson and Shriffin stated, “three memory system in the learner (sensory, short-term, and long-term memory) are assumed to receive information from the environment and transform it for storage and use in memory and performance” (Reiser, 2018). Theorist believed that the learner hears and gathers the information from the environment, transforms it in knowledge, and finally stores it in their memory. Theorist believe that if the learner payed attention and practice what was taught, then they will be learning. Important early theorist were Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Ulric Neisser.
Constructivism establishes the concepts that learners better learn by constructing their own learning by exploring, discovering, hands-on activities, and the ability to problem solve real life problems. Constructivism concentrates on the aspect that learners need to create and fabricate their knowledge by investigating and experimenting their environment. Constructivism contributes real life problems that enhances problem solving skills. With this learning theory, target audiences are learning their skills by doing and practicing actual skills that will be needed in the real world. Constructivism lets the target audience create their own knowledge. Important early theorist were Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.
Educational Philosophy paper
As an educator, I know that all children are unique in terms of their life experience, developmental readiness, and their background culture. I strongly believe that partnership between the children’s family, school, and teacher is essential to the educational development of all children. My aim is to provide a safe and stimulating environment that embraces scholars’ differences.
My role as a teacher is to guide my students with their learning, not by providing them with answer but by providing them with the proper questions that will direct them to their answers. My primary task is to provide my students with the appropriate tools to assist them with their learning and facilitate the process as they explore the content. I strive with a balance between teacher-directed and student-initiated instructional lessons in order to provide the opportunities for scholars to enhance their knowledge. I am responsible in providing the structure that they will encounter as they are learning, and it is my responsibility to model the characteristics of learning to my students. All students learn differently, it is my duty to understand their learning style and strategically create lessons that guide scholars through their learning process. It is my aim into assisting my scholars into making connections within the content and the world. I am committed for scholars to become active learners by creating an engagement environment that enables active discussion, active practice, problem solving, critical thinking, and active application, were the scholars interact with the learning process. It is the student’s role to become active learners and ask questions throughout the lesson. I understand that there is no one way of teaching because not all students learn the same, I am aware that it is my duty to approach teaching as a learning opportunity.
Instructional Design and Technology History
"Historical perspective, most of the practices related to instructional media have occurred independent of developments associated instructional design" (Reiser, 2018)
At this moment, majority of the country is doing distance learning. The process of distance learning requires the usage of the internet and other software. I think that because of distance learning, the field of education will change greatly. More technology will be implemented in the classroom. This year, 2020, the COVID-19 has forced majority of the education to work virtually. These past months, instructions have been given virtually and also tutoring. Students and teachers’ interactions have been taken place through zoom. Because majority of the communications, learning, and socialization is taking place through technology; technology is key to education at this moment. Majority of students are enhancing their computers skills which will enable them to be more successful with technology. I think that what is taking place at this moment will affect the future greatly. Education and technology will be seeing interchangeably. I think that in the future, education will be seeing differently, especially because of how it was taught through technology. Being able to implement instructions using technology can help open new doors to the possibilities of technologies int the classroom.
IDT Trends
Throughout my journey in the course of 5000, I was emerge through the terminology and history of Instructional Design and Technology. At the beginning of the course, we were asked to navigate the program’s website and look at our program requirements. It was interesting to see the different opportunities that are offered by completing our program and it encourage me to plan out my classes that I am require to complete for the next few year. I noticed that if I take the correct electives I will be able to also get a certificate with my major. After, we were asked to define key terminology and as I began to defined them I realized that the terminology enables the ability to navigate and explore the IDT field. The terminology that we defined in class also transferred to the other two classes. After, we were asked to go through the library and write our annotated review. It was a challenge to go through the literature and read it in order to review the information correctly. However, I found myself using this skill as I was writing the literature review for my action plan.
This course was hands-on and encouraged us to actively be involve in our learning. Also, the skills that I was constructing throughout the course were also transferring to the other two required classes. As I began to create my foundation page, I collected all the information that I was emerged throughout the course and inserted in one platform, my e-portfolio. At the end of the coursed, I created a e-portfolio with the instructors guidance and enclosed all the learning that took place throughout the semester.
One essential part of the course that I found important to understand is the history of Instructional Design and Technology and the comprehending the interpretation of the definition. In the past few centuries, IDT has evolved and progress. One thing that I found interesting was that both Instructional Design and Instructional technology not taking place together but separately until World War 2. World War 2 was the foundation and origin of instructional design and it was also were both IT and ID were put to work together. One thing that I also found upsetting that has instructional technology was making great changes, the public school system was not progressing and the reasoning was because of funding and teachers acceptance to change. I think that 2020 will make a significant change to IDT because distance learning made all teachers instruct online and deliver their lesson through an online platform. 2020 pushed an enormous change in the educational field and I am excited to see what happens next.
History of Instructional Design

--1940: World War II brought forth the origin of Instructional Design. Throughout the war, many individuals were called upon to help create and develop effective training materials for the military. Reiser explained, “These individuals, including Robert Gagné, Leslie Briggs, John Flanagan, and many others, exerted considerable influence on the characteristics of the training materials that were developed, basing much of their work upon instructional principles derived from research and theory on instruction, learning, and human behavior” (Reiser, 2014). These individuals created an assessment that assessed the military personal to see where their skills were and directed them to programs that were created to enhance their training. These assessments helped pick and choose which military personal would be successful in the programs. Also, the individuals help outline effective training using instructional films that delivered applicable training for their preparation.
World War 2 brought together a group of individuals that help create the model and the foundations of IDT. These individuals brought forth the importance of analyzing their target audience. Assessing their needs. Designing the training based on the assessment and the needs. Developing the outlined of deliverance. Implementing the training. The only part that didn’t take place was the evaluation. Because the training had to take place with many soldiers across the country and world, instructional films were used. These films had to be effective in order to fulfill the outcome. Design and development had to be implemented in the process of designing the films.
-1950s- The book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives was published.
-Mid-1950s to mid-1960s: Programmed instruction movement. Skinner described that content should be portrayed in small and adequate steps. He also explained the importance of asking frequent questions to enhance active response and also the importance of providing immediate feedback to the learners tasks. He also said to allow the learner to be self-pacing.
-1960s: A training of how to write proper objectives was develop. “Robert Mager, recognized the need to teach educators how to write objectives, wrote Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction” (Reiser, 2014).
-1960s: Criterion-referenced testing. “Criterion-referenced test is intended to measure how well an individual can perform a particular behavior or set of behaviors, irrespective of how well others performs” (Reiser, 2014).
-1965: Robert Gagne defined the five domains of outcomes, “verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies-each of which required a different set of conditions to promote learning” (Reiser, 2014) He also stated and explained the nine events of instructions (teaching activities) that contemplated the importance of all types of learning outcomes.
-1970s: Instructional design models increased. Military, education, and business began to use instructional design models to help training and education individuals.
-1980s: Cognitive psychology began to be use in the field of ID research as it continued to developed.
-1980s: Instructional designs began to use computers and began to developed new models to incorporate interactive technology instructions.
-1990s: “Constructivist emphasis on designing “authentic” learning tasks- task that reflect the complexity of the real-world environment in which learner will be using the skills they are learning- has had an effect on how instructional design is being practice and taught” (Reiser 2014).
-1990s: “Using electronic performance support tools and system to support on the job performance began to flourish” (Reiser, 2014)
-21st century: Instruction designers create online courses for online learning made possible because of internet. IDT creates online courses. Also, informal learning challenge ID.