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Instructional design is a systematic approach that enables the opportunity to create a training/instruction that identifies what needs to be taught and it explores the different ways that we can teach it effectively. IDT is the roadmap that steers us through the proper channels that we need to tackle in order to create a training/instruction that does not waste time and resources. Instructional design and technology drives with various different instructional design models. These models consist of: ADDIE, SAM, Action Mapping, Learning Circle Framework, Merrill’s Frist Principles of Instruction, Gagne’s 9 events of instruction, Dick and Carey Model, Kemp’s instructional model, etc.

Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
The ADDIE model was introduced around the 1970s and its intention is to augment a training/instruction and improve performance. It is important to understand that ADDIE is not a linear model. The ADDIE model consist of 5 essential phases: the analysis phase, the design phase, the development phase, the implementation phase, and lastly the evaluation phase.
The first phase towards creating a successful training/instruction is the analysis phase. In this phase, we identify a problem and determine if there is training to take place. Also, we gather information from the audience and the methodologies used. We also identify desire outcome by setting learning goals. We also established the proper timeframe of the project. We also established the audience, learning preferences, and conducted surveys, observations, and interviews to gather the proper information that will guide the instructions/training that’s being created. We also assessed students prior knowledge and determine the media used. This is where you ask and answer: “who, what, when, where, why, and how?”
The second phase towards constructing a successful training/instruction is the Design phase. In this phase, we constructed the learning objectives from the desired learning goals, and created the contend sequenced that outlines the contend. In this phase, we also establish the type of delivering method that will be used when implementing and presenting the content to the audience. The following step is to create the content outline that clarifies all the decision that were made towards the project. Also, in this phase you decide where will you be checking for understanding, feedback, and the assessment. From the content outline, we lastly create the outline of the flowchart.
The third phase towards formulating an instruction/training is the development document. In this phase, we created a facilitator guide that directs the instructor on how to implement the content and we also refined the flowchart. Also, in this phase we create the worksheets, assessments, and any activities that were outlined in the flowchart. The next step is establishing groundwork that will make the tutorial successful. The groundwork consists of setting up the expectations, generating the activities that will be used throughout the instructions/training, and producing the supply list. This is also the phase where we formulate the evaluation progression.
The fourth phase is the Implementation phase. This is the phase where you implement what we have created. Before we finalize the product, we should do a pilot with a sample size audience. The reason that we do a pilot was because we want to make sure that the facilitator guide, story board, etc. was workable and the implementation was effective. At the end of the course, we had the audience takes a survey and/or assessment to measure the effectiveness of the instructions, the materials, etc.
The last phase that played a huge role in the constructing of an efficient instruction/training is the Evaluation phase. In this part, we decide what want to evaluate and the why. You can decide to evaluate the content, the instructions, the material, the learning outcome, the facilitator guide, etc. There are different ways to evaluate, one way is giving surveys at the end, interviews, assessments, and many more. With the data that’s gathered from the evaluation, we can examine the information go back to make any necessary revisions that’s necessary. In this phase, you can also have subject matter experts go over the lesson and asked them for their expert opinion. If they suggest changes to be made, then we can do a revision.
Dick and Carey

The Dick and Carey model breaks the components of creating an effective instruction/training into smaller parts. The components within the system depend on each other for its progression. Each component is crucial for the process. The model consist of 10 components. “The Dick and Carey systems approach considers components such as the instructor, learners, materials, instructional activities, delivery system, and the learning and performance environment. Unlike traditional models, the Dick and Carey systems approach is portrayed as a curvilinear flow portrayed with one-way arrows” (University of Florida).
Step 1: Instructional Goals
The first step is to create an instructional goal. Instructional goals can come from one-self or from the boss. In this step, we decide the desired outcomes of the learning that we want to achieve. It's also were we discuss our ending goal, what we want students to be able to do at the end of the instructions/training.
Step 3: Identify Entry Behaviors
In the third step, we conduct a learner analysis to access students prior knowledge, entry skills, attitudes, motivational factors, behaviors, and learning preferences. Thought this analysis we can explore the gap between the required skills and the they skills the learners possess.
Step 5: Develop Assessment Instrument
Throughout step 5, either you are creating an assessment to assess students learning outcome based on the instructional goal or you are given an assessment that measures the instructional goal. If you developing the assessment, make sure to use your instructional goal and intellectual skills as a guide. There are other types of assessment that can be administered: portfolios, interviews, observations, etc.
Step 7: Develop and Select Material
In this step, you begin to explore all resources. You can create a facilitator guide that outlines the content. You also create the worksheets, the activities, the assessments, and any other materials that are needed for the instructional design. The focus on this step is to create all the materials that will be required by the teacher/instructor to conduct the instructions. In this step, you finalize the media that will be utilized throughout the implementation process.
Step 9 Revise instruction
Based on the formative evaluation and the data that was gather, a revision can be made towards the design process. You can make any adjustments based on the data. Also, you can revise the materials and make any corrections that were found.
Step 2: Construct instructional Analysis
The second step establishes the skills that the learners need in order to successfully reach the instructional goal. First, you break down within the intellectual skills. Once you stablished the intellectual skills, you then breakdown into subordinate skills. Lastly, you identify the entry skills that are required for the learners to acquired in order to succesfully reach the outcome of the goal.
Step 4: Write perofrmance objective
In the fourth step, we begin working by creating the performance objectives. in the performance objectives, we the intellectual skills, subordinate skills, and entry skills are transform into objective. The learning objectives clearly describes the tasked that needs to be master and their success criteria.
Step 6: Develop Instrctional Strategies
In the sixth step, we begin to create a roadmap for our instructions. We begin to choose the order of the lessons. In this step we also make the decision towards the delivery mthod. We also planned out any pre-instructional activities that are required and also any follow up activities. In this we decide towards any activities that are going to be administer.
Step 8: Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation
This step gives the opportunity to try-out the instructional lesson/training with a focus group. At the end of the trial, surveys can be administered to gather data regarding the content. You can evaluate the content, the instructions, the material, the learning outcome, the faciliator guide, etc. There are different ways to evaluate the instructional design: surveys at the end, interviews, assessments, etc. With the data of the evaluation, we can analyze the information and make any necessary revisions. In this step, you can also have subject matter experts to go over the ID and make any corrections or suggestions.
Step 10: Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation
Lastly, once you have finalized your product, you can implement the instructional design. Once you have implemented the design, you can do a summative evaluation to see if the design was effective. You can evaluate the content, the instructions, the material, the media, the learning outcomes, the facilitator guide and gather data to see if it was effective. Based on the data, you can still go back and make any changes to your design.
Backwards planning

“Backwards design (or backward design) is an instructional design method invented by Wiggins and McTighe and is part of their larger Understanding by Design framework. Backward design begins with the end in mind: What enduring understandings do I want my students to develop? It is particularly suited for teacher designers who think in terms of what they wish to achieve” (Schneider 2014). Backwards design is the framework that outlines the process to design a lesson, unit, or course. There are 3 steps that structures the design and the process.
Schneider, Daniel. (2014) Educational (instructiona) design models.
Step 1: Identify the desired results
Throughout this step, you create the learning goal of the instructions or training. In this step, you identify what students should know and understand. You also identify what there are going to be able to do at the end of the instructions. You also start to make a list of the skills and knowledge you want the learner to master at the end. This is where you begin to distinguish the big ideas and the important understandings that learners must retain. In this step you also create your learning outcomes.
Step 2: Determining acceptable evidence
Throughout this step, you create the summative assessment that measures the learners learning outcome. You also create an initial assessment that identifies the skills and knowledge that they already have. This is where you also identity who the learners are. Also, in this step you create the rubric for the summative assessment that identifies the masteries levels. You also create any formative assessments that identifies learners’ progressions. You also create surveys that identifies how the learners feel regarding the instructions/training.
Throughout this step, you begin to design the activities that will help the learners meet the learning objectives. In this step, you begin to make choices regarding the learning materials that the learners will use to interact. You create any assignments, group activities, notes, problems to solves, projects, simulations to manipulate. This is where you align your learning outcomes with these learning activities.