My ePortfolio
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE)
ETEC 5440- Design and Development of Instructional Material
Description of learning:
In the class of Design and Development of Instructional Material 1 main emphasis was on the development and progressions of the constructions of instructional products. At the beginning of the course, I was introduce to the different learning theories that pertains to human development. These learning theories explain the progression in which a person learns, retains information, process information, receives information during the learning course. The learning theories that we explore and surveyed were: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. As we reviewed the learning theories, we examine how they played a major part when developing instructional lessons. Also, we look at the different learning styles that individuals have when it comes to their learning. People learn differently, which consist of visual learners, aural learners, verbal learners, and kinesthetic learners. It is important to understand the learning styles of the audiences because it affect the learning contend and learning outcomes. Another thing that we went over was motivation. For a student to be involve in their learning, they need to be motivated. Lastly, we reviewed the Bloom’s taxonomy and discussed on how it contributes to students learning outcomes. Every aspect that we learned at the beginning of the course contributes to the awareness and understanding of human behavior which underwrites the roles of instructional developmental materials.
Couple weeks into the course, I was introduce to various different instructional design models. These models consist of: ADDIE, SAM, Action Mapping, Learning Circle Framework, Merrill’s Frist Principles of Instruction, Gagne’s 9 events of instruction, Dick and Carey Model, Kemp’s instructional model, etc. Once we explore the fundamental elements of the IDT models, the course began to solely focus on the ADDIE models. It is important to understand that ADDIE is not a linear model.
For the remainder of the course, I put into the actions the four of the five phases of ADDIE in constructing my instructional project. The ADDIE model consist of 5 essential phases: the analysis phase, the design phase, the development phase, the implementation phase, and lastly the evaluation phase. The best part of this class, instead of just taking notes and doing exercises, the instructor formulated a project that set in motion that process of applying ADDIE and constructing our knowledge of the model. Throughout the semester, I gained a deep understanding of that importance of the applications that ADDIE factors in the progression of the project.
The first phase towards creating a successful tutorial is the analysis phase. In this phase, the group was able to agree on the contend that we will be creating and the context of the project. The first step was establishing the audience and the learning preferences of the audience. The next step was to established prior knowledge, determine the type of technology the target audience have access too, and clarify the mathematical applications that they are currently using. The following step was establishing the product and contend of the project. Conducting surveys, observations, and interviews we were able to gather the information necessary to influence the molding of the project.
The second phase towards constructing a successful ClassKick tutorial is the Design phase. The first step is to established what type of delivering method we will be implementing when presenting the project to our audience. The next step is to create the learning goals and learning objective that we want our audience to accomplished at the end of the tutorial. The following step is to create the content outline that clarifies all the decision we have made towards the project. From the content outline, we lastly create the outline of the flowchart.
The third phase towards formulating an effective ClassKick tutorial is the Development Document. In this phase, we created a facilitator guide that directs the instructor on how to implement the tutorial and we also refined the flowchart. The first step is the completeness of the product that’s being introduced to the audience. The next step is establishing groundwork that will make the tutorial successful. The groundwork consist of setting up the classroom expectations, generating the activities that will be used throughout the tutorial, and producing the supply list. This is also the phase where we formulate the evaluation progression. Lastly, the guide is constructed with the proper procedure because the facilitators or instructors will be using it as instructions.
The fourth phase is the Implementation phase. Before we finalize the product, we did a pilot with our students. The reason that we did the pilot was because we wanted to make sure that the facilitator guide was workable and the implementation was effective. At the end of the course, we had students take a survey and an exit ticket.
The last phase that played a huge role in the constructing of an efficient ClassKick tutorial is the Evaluation phase. In this part of the project we had to decide what we wanted to evaluate and why. We decided to evaluate the content of the product by having the students complete an exit ticket demonstrating if they were able to meet the learning objective. We also conducted a survey evaluating the effectiveness of the product and its applications. Once we gather the data, we examine the information and went back to make any necessary revision that’s necessary.
It is important to understand that the ADDIE model is not linear. As I am in the last stage of the five phases, I find myself going back to the design phase in order to revise the product. Once I revise the design, I am going to revise the development and implementation.
ETEC 5440-Reflection
Throughout the whole course we were actively involved in the process of instructional designing. As a group, we applied ADDIE in the development and progress of the instructional product. I had to opportunity to enthusiastically explore, hands-on, the five phases of ADDIE and actually applied it in my classroom. As I continue to grow with the content I also renovated my lessons and began to apply ADDIE in my classroom. Even though I do not go into extreme detail when analyzing the topic, designing the lesson, developing the lesson, implementing the lesson, and evaluating the lesson I still use the key components of each phase.
As I emerge myself in the process of instructional design I became to realize the immense planning and tremendous work that was cultivated by the progression of each phase. Each phase contribute a key component that influenced the development and creation. I noticed that the main objective of instructional design is to create trainings and instructional design that are effective, efficient, and valuable. It makes no sense to create a training program that focuses on content that trainers already know or it makes no sense creating an instructional lesson that teaches skills that students already have. Without the proper analysis, the trainer or instructor will be wasting time and resources. It is important to apply the instructional design to create a program that delivers the proper content.
I really enjoy the opportunities that this coursed offered in regards of learning from my peers. The ability to critique other projects gave the opportunity to take what I comprehend from each phase and applied it as I critically evaluated their project. I also appreciated the feedback that I got from my peers explaining how I can improve on the project and pinpointing any misunderstanding that I encountered. All in all, this course really emerge me in the process and surface with new found information that will enhance my teaching abilities and also enrich my career.
ETEC 5440 (Learning Process and Sample work):
We were assign groups, and as a group we had to look at what is that one thing that the students need in order to be successful in the classroom. This school year, we began our instructions through distance learning, which means that we have to deliver our instructions online. As a group, we agreed that applying the new software ClassKick will be beneficial. ClassKick gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate their work and it gives us the opportunity for instant feedback. We decided that we needed to create a tutorial and implemented it in the classroom to help students navigate this new program in the classroom.
In the process of creating the tutorial, we used the ADDIE approach. The ADDIE model consist of five phases: the analysis phase, the design phase, the development phase, the implementation, and the evaluation phase. The ADDIE model is a systematic approach that enables the opportunity to create a tutorial that identifies what needs to be taught and it explores the different ways that we can teach it effectively. ADDIE is the roadmap that steers us through the proper channels that we need to tackle in order to create a tutorial that does not waste time and resources.
The last phase was the evaluation, this is were evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation of the produce. The way that we process the evaluation was by giving the students an exit ticket and a survey. We also had 3 peers review our product. I think that the most important part was the revision of the product, revision the product based on the data that we collected.